i’m moving on…

to cripchick.com!

i hope you will change your links and subscription—-definitely want to keep chatting with you over at my new place! hopefully having my own server will let me do more things 🙂

love you so much,

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are you on tumblr?

if so, holler.


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things to check out!

This article on cyberquilting! Adele was interviewed by bitch buzz. Love this part:

“For people who’ve been isolated in rural communities or other places where their ideas aren’t able to flourish, access to the Internet provides instant community and a way to develop your own activism that doesn’t necessarily need to be constrained to your own back yard.” -Adele 

Southerners On New Ground (SONG) introduces a LGBT map directory that you can download off the blog they keep. about it they say:

“We have learned that although queer-led social justice organizations in the South may be few in number, they are doing amazing work with limited resources. We created this directory to counter the isolation and burnout that organizers experience all too often in the South and hope that it will help bring people together to strategize, share resources, and support each other.”

And last, but not least, you can’t miss Sudy’s latest FemWatch video where she breaks down five things she is thankful for this year.

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kit yan’s letter to HRC

this reminds me of the time a friend and i sat in a queer—err excuse me, glbt with a q following it on the next line—disability caucus meeting this summer. the group invited a HRC person to speak and when we asked why HRC had been invited, we were stared at. then when we spoke up against the group simply focusing on marriage advocacy with so much work to be done, they thought we were stupid southerners who were against gay marriage because of ignorance or overexposure to too much homophobia. needless to say, i left the meeting early, never having been talked down to so much. 

kit yan, from the good asian drivers spoken word duo:

you’re a force with responsibility
so listen, think, then act
you’re an icon of equality
so remember the colors of the community you stand for
you’re the face that the devil trusts
but you’ve become its reflection
hear us, please.
unfortunately we can not wait for you
we’ll be here when you return,
but we cannot wait for you
in the meantime, we’ll fight for ourselves…
-kit yan at 2:10

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Filed under community, links, organizing, queer